Chapter Meritorious Service Medals
2009 Awardees
During the year, the Chapter honors JROTC students and local employers, but November is the time to recognize our own outstanding members by presenting Meritorious Service Awards at the monthly luncheon.
This year’s winners were board member and personal affairs specialist John Ady, personal affairs director Dan Conway, newsletter editor and historian Jim Cullison, golf tournament chairman Pat Dale, Pat’s wife and tournament co-chair Patricia, legislative director and national board member Gary Fredricks, program arrangements chairwoman Marie Fredricks, webmaster Tom Houser, treasurer and second vice president Bill Roscher, program chairman and TOPS liaison Chuck Schluter, and first vice president and JROTC medal program chairman Ron Worthington.

Standing are Chuck Schluter, Dan Conway, Ron Worthington, Tom Houser, Gary Fredricks, Pat Dale, Bill Roscher and the presentor, Chapter President Ron Perkins. Seated are Jim Cullison, Marie Fredricks, Patricia Dale and John Ady.
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