Chapter Meritorious Service Medals
2006 Awardees
At the 18 November 2006 luncheon meeting, Chapter MSMs were awarded to eleven members of the Arizona Chapter for superior service to the Chapter and its members.

Recipients shown left to right, sitting : Mrs. Jo Ann Thompson 2nd Award; Mrs. Velma Birtciel 3rd Award; Mrs. Betty Baumer- 1st Award; CAPT Davalee G. Norton, USCG Ret. – 1st Award; and standing: LtCol Frank E. Birtciel, USAF Ret. 4th Award; CDR John W. Gerometta, USCG Ret. 2nd Award; LT James C. Seidl, USCG Ret. 4th Award; Col Arthur R. Worthington, USAF Ret. 1st Award; Col Patrick L. Dale, USAF Ret. 1st Award; LtCol Chester Baumer, USAF Ret. 3rd Award
COL “Chuck” Schluter, USA Ret. (on the right), receives his 3rd Award of the Meritorious Service Medal at a later meeting from CAPT Dan Conway, USCG Ret.
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